
Welcome to the website of Griet Van Ranst.

I’m a button collector for eleven years now. In this website you can find some information about collecting buttons, what are collectible buttons and my collection.

To enlarge my collection, I’m still looking for eighteenth century buttons and artist buttons of the haute couture, and I’m willing to pay a correct prize for it.

As an active member of the French association ‘Fibule’ and the Dutvh Antique Button Society of the Netherlands, I try to learn all of buttons together with other collectors. Since 2013, I’m member of the N.B.S., the largest button collector society of America and recently I became also a membership of the British Button Society.

In the 172th edition of HZG, Handwerken zonder grenzen, august 2012, a publication describes my passion. p.52-55 (in Dutch)

On the 29th of May 2016, a successful meeting of button collectors from all over the world took place in Belgium organised by Fibule and the Dutch Antique Button Society. Address of the happening was room ‘De Kring’, J. Pierrestraat 60, BE 3010 Leuven. The second meeting was planned on the 1st of July 2018, same location and on the 1st of October 2022 the third meeting is organized.

In 2019 from January 17th to June 8th, I exposed a serie of ten miniatures of women at the French Court. Painted by Marie-Gabrielle Capet, in 1787. This exposition is held in M-Leuven, the famous museum of Leuven (BE). At the same time, the exposition of displays of buttons figuring Fairy Tales, Mythologie, Dragons, Fables…, was showed in Res. Ruelenspark, nearby Naamsepoort in Leuven.


Button collectors meeting Leuven Belgium

On **Saturday, the first of October 2022, the third Belgian button collectors meeting will be held in zaal De Kring, J.Pierrestraat 60, BE 3010 Leuven (Kessel-Lo), from 10am until 5pm. It is a cooporation of Fibule, the French association of button collectors and the Dutch Antique Button Society, the Dutch collectors group. The members of these two organizations provide the doubles of their collections for sale or exchange. Sellers or collectors, not member of Fibule or the Dutch Antique Button Society can rent a table for € 20.

Button Fair Leuven 2025

Fourth international button collectors fair in Leuven from 10am to 5pm. Here you can admire, buy, sell, exchange, … antique and special buttons. If you have a button box somewhere, there may be some interesting buttons in it. Be sure to bring them along. Free admission. Collectors and dealers who wish to offer large quantities of buttons can reserve one or more tables (€25 for the first table, €15 per additional table).